Thursday, January 22, 2009

NEWS: New York Representative Proves Exactly How Practical Green Energy Can Be

Just read this story. It's incredible.

I'm all for efficient forms of energy. Personally I think the best solution is nuclear power coupled with hydrogen fuel cell cars, eliminating the vast majority of our need for fossil fuels. I could even get behind a meaningful government initiative about energy -- perhaps offering big tax breaks to corporations who can prove they spent money on the research. I could even be persuaded that government research dollars could be used to research the fundamental elements of some of these new energy sources for the good of all.

However all this holier-than-thou grandstanding gets us nowhere. Here's something I think we can recognize from this story: Electric-only cars are not practical for long distances. Not now and probably not ever.

I can listen to a person who honestly discusses our options. Al Gore doesn't have to be a hypocrite -- if he discussed possible solutions to energy problems and why he believes in them, instead of trying to guilt the free world into economic suicide while releasing epic amounts of hated carbon to do so, then maybe I would listen. If the environmentalist community hadn't insisted for 8 years that Bush was pure evil, instead of recognizing him for his conservationist achievements and criticizing him reasonably for actions they disagree with, I might be willing to listen.

1 comment:

  1. So funny. I can't believe this guy got elected. He won't get re-elected I'd wager.
