Wednesday, January 14, 2009

NEWS: Porn Industry bailout?

Here is the link to the news report. This is a link to a report of Google's apology to China for spreading admittedly damaging porn there, an apology that the US has never received: .

This is just a newsflash post, so I will not preach on about the perils of porn here, except to say that pornography cannot be reconciled with God's truth, revealed in the Bible, but so many Christians are being infected by it. Now the porn industry wants 5 billion of your tax dollars as a financial bailout. I do not care what your position is on bailouts, this is insane. While I hope that our elected officials realize that granting such a bailout would be political suicide, the gall of pornographers to even ask for it demonstrates one thing: it is their goal to bring pornography into the mainstream media, and they feel comfortable enough that our nation was ready for this first attempt. Considering their request for more than 5 seconds, would be an obvious mistake on the government's part.

However, I expect the "industry" will receive a formal denial rather than the "get real" response it deserves. I sincerely hope the fed will just ignore it completely. this is one request that merits no response.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this story a week or two ago. I assumed it was sarcastic on Flynt's part, though I'm sure he wouldn't object if he actually received a few billion dollars.

    It's shocking, when you think about the mystique which surrounds some pornographers in popular culture. For example, how often is Hugh Hefner referred to with respect bordering on awe? And yet he's little more than a pimp, profiting from the exploitation of beauty made by God and from encouraging sin in millions of people. If you measure by the quantity of sin he has tempted men towards, he and Flynt may be among the most evil people alive today.
