Thursday, April 16, 2009

NEWS: Barack Obama tries to silence God.

Check the news story out for yourself here.

" Georgetown University says it covered over the monogram 'IHS' --symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ—because it was inscribed on a pediment on the stage where President Obama spoke at the university on Tuesday and the White House had asked Georgetown to cover up all signs and symbols there. As of Wednesday afternoon, the “IHS” monogram that had previously adorned the stage at Georgetown’s Gaston Hall was still covered up--when the pediment where it had appeared was photographed by"

So.... Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, asked Georgetown to cover up the name of God? He professes to be a Christian, so why would he do this?

Many good Christians voted for President Obama. Some did so because they believed, legitimately, that a black president was long overdue. Others voted for Mr. Obama because they believed his economic policies would end economic turmoil. Both were legitimate reasons to vote for a political leader. Also, this junior senator claimed to be a Christian.

Setting aside, for the moment, the issue of whether BHO truly qualifies as black and can, therefore, truly be our nation's first black president, setting aside the issue of whether BHO is even a true US citizen, and also setting aside whether the junior senator was qualified to accept the nation's most important office, what of his last promise? The one in which he claimed to believe in an all-powerful God that created all that exists?

How can a man, who claims to believe in God, be so bold as to actively conceal God from others? Why would a believer not want to be associated with God during a speech given at a university? Would his speech at Georgetown not provide a wonderful opportunity to affirm his association with Jesus Christ? Why did he feel this small reference to God was a threat to him? Even if he were an atheist, why would the mention of a deity he doesn't believe in be a threat?

As a believer, I fear angering God. I fear angering my Lord, because I know God is supreme and perfect. I am thankful that God is merciful, because I fear God's wrath. His power is unchallenged, both in this world and beyond. I cannot believe that anyone who really believes in God would seek to cover up God's name in a building. A true believer fears God, and this sort of active rebellion against the name of God should have been prevented by BHO's fear of the Lord.

President Obama does not fear God. He does not want to be affiliated with God. It is time that believers stopped and asked themselves, why is this? It is no secret that I am no fan of BHO's policies and political platform. However, I never dreamed he would make so public a contradiction of his own stated faith.

If our president does not believe in or fear God, then why has he lied about it? If he lied about this, then what else has he lied about? And, how many of you believers will excuse this lie as though it doesn't matter?


  1. It's a lot worse than you think.

    During the speech Obama gave behind the podium with Jesus' name covered up, he makes reference to the Sermon on the Mount like this:

    "There is a parable at the end of the Sermon on the Mount that tells the story of two men. The first built his house on a pile of sand, and it was destroyed as soon as the storm hit. But the second is known as the wise man, for when '…the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house…it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.'

    We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand. We must build our house upon a rock. We must lay a new foundation for growth and prosperity – a foundation that will move us from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest; where we consume less at home and send more exports abroad."

    Our President, ostensibly a Christian, seems to think he can replace the Rock of Ages in the famous parable with government regulation! Could there be any better example of the kind of "building on sand" that Jesus was warning us about in His parable than trusting in the government to save us?

  2. I just don't understand how Christians can support Obama. I mean, he is our president, and so I get that we should respect him. Still - how can a man so boldly lie to the American public? He says he is a Christian, but then he refuses to speak in the presence of any Christian names or emblems?

    What will it take for people to realize that this guy isn't a Christian. Heck, he might not even be an American. If he is, then why refuse to provie it?

  3. Good point JU. He does cite a Biblical parable, but he does everything he can to secularize it. It's a brilliant tactic: divide and conquer. He references a parable that Christians may recognize from the Bible but removes any obvious references to God or Christ. He attempts to look Christian to Christians and atheist to atheists, but this is one area he cannot play both sides of the fence on. He will have to stand before Christ on the last day just like everyone else.
